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Елена Александровна Тинякова — Die Welt der Deutschen Sprache (for expansion of German communication in the world)
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Автор: Елена Александровна Тинякова
Издатель: Директ-Медиа
ISBN: 978-5-4475-9846-4
Описание: The book combines the style of a manual for teaching and learning and a monograph presenting German culture background and German traditional professional spaces – economy, jurisprudence and psychology. For the sake of focusing the information the corresponding texts are brief. Corresponding methods are in English for the German language to follow English in international communication and to give access to studying German for students of many other native languages through the help of English. The stages of learning in the book are Basic, Advanced and High level. They correspond to international standards. The method of coating students in learning with the foreign language presupposes moving in gradual transition from words, phrases, short texts to wider spaces of using German in communication. Grammar is taught through tables by analogy and then students are to make theoretical descriptions, formulate grammar rules themselves. Grammar is divided in two parts: basic, elementary and higher, difficult levels. The main guiding lines for the teacher are naturalness, unexpectedness and fast work. These lines contribute to free communication. Culture background has many vectors: music, art, literature, folklore. These vectors dispose to make conferences of this thematic. Religion as prominent part of German mentality is not put aside. There is short information about Reformation in Germany. Students of many professions can find their interest in the book, but especially economists and jurists. The book can be used for learning German with a teacher and independently, in groups and individually.